11 Best Companies to Hire Virtual Assistants in the Philippines (2024)

The Philippines is home to some of the best virtual assistants in the world. They’re hardworking, friendly, and highly skilled.

Best of all, they can cost a third of the price of virtual assistants in the US!

This means you can save big bucks while getting quality support for your business – whether it be help running your social media accounts, organizing your calendar, or maintaining your website.

If you want to hire the best Filipino VA but don’t know where to start, I recommend getting help from a trusted virtual staffing company.

Before we get into the best virtual assistant companies in the Philippines, it’s important to understand the different types of companies because you can’t always compare them apples to apples.

Table of Contents

  • Freelance platforms vs VA staffing agencies in the Philippines
    • Pros to using an agency
    • Cons to using an agency
  • The best virtual assistant companies in the Philippines
    • 1. OnlineJobs.ph
    • 2. Virtual Staff Finder
    • 3. TaskBullet
    • 4. OVA Virtual
    • 5. USource
    • 6. Virtual Done Well
    • 7. Pepper VA
    • 8. Helpware
    • 9. Athena Executive Assistants
    • 10. Support Ninja
    • 11. eVirtualAssistants (formerly GoHireNow)
  • Why Should You Hire a Virtual Assistant from the Philippines?
    • Lower costs
    • Great work ethic
    • Pros at English
    • High-quality skills
  • Some Tips for Working with a Filipino VA
    • Know their holidays
    • Consider your business hours
    • The 13th-month pay
    • Set clear communication guidelines
    • Determine your flexibility needs

Freelance platforms vs VA staffing agencies in the Philippines

There are 3 main types of Philippines VA companies:

1. Agency with training included.

These agencies train their VAs before you even hire them.

The kind of training depends on the company. Some train their VAs on key skills like communication and project management.

Others only teach their VAs the tools and software they’ll use when they work for you.

2. Placement agency.

This kind of agency helps you screen and find virtual assistant candidates, but they don’t provide training.

Basically, they’re a middle-man who connects you to the right VA from their pool of qualified candidates.

3. Freelance marketplace.

These are platforms similar to Upwork. You’re free to browse profiles of virtual assistants and pick candidates you like.

You can also post job listings and sort through the applications that come in.

Hiring a VA from any of these platforms comes with pros and cons. It’s best you know what to expect before choosing a company to work with.

Pros to using an agency

These virtual assistant companies have candidates who have been pre-screened and vetted.

You can leave the interview and skills test to them. This saves you a lot of time and effort going through hundreds of resumes.

Many companies also offer training and support to their VAs.

Cons to using an agency

Hiring a VA from an agency can be more expensive than hiring a freelancer. You have to pay additional fees for their services.

For example, you may pay an agency $1,200 per month, but only $700 actually goes to the VA.

Communication can also be more challenging. In some cases, you may not have direct access to the VA and have to go through the agency first.

The best virtual assistant companies in the Philippines

1. OnlineJobs.ph

11 Best Companies to Hire Virtual Assistants in the Philippines (1)

OnlineJobs.ph is where I hired my lovely virtual assistant, and I couldn’t have been more happy with the experience.

Platform type: Freelance marketplace

The difference between OnlineJobs.ph and other agencies on this list is that this is essentially a ginormous job board. Think of it as the “Upwork for Filipinos”.

That means you’re responsible for finding a match yourself. This is more work, but it also gives you more control (and is cheaper).


Their website claims it takes an average of 1-2 weeks to hire a virtual assistant through the platform. But I found my winning applicant within just a couple of days.

I actually had to deactivate my job post after a few days because I was overwhelmed by the number of applicants.

Turns out, hiring a Filipino is a bit different than hiring in other countries, and there are some tricks to attracting awesome applicants and funneling them through your screening process.

The creator of OnlineJobs.ph also offers a quick hiring guide course. I took it, and it saved me loads of time and headaches. Highly recommended if you want better odds of hiring the right person on the first try.


The platform offers a free plan as well as a paid plan for $69/month.

The free plan lets you browse profiles of different VAs and post your own job description. The paid plan lets you actually contact the applicants you’re interested in.

If you just need to hire a couple VAs, you will likely only need to subscribe for one month, then you can cancel.

2. Virtual Staff Finder

11 Best Companies to Hire Virtual Assistants in the Philippines (2)

This virtual staffing company has been around since 2010.

In that time, they’ve helped businesses in over 45 countries find the best virtual assistants from the Philippines.

Platform type: Agency with training included


Virtual Staff Finder helps you write a job description that attracts the right candidates. Then they take care of the screening and testing process.

It usually takes the company 10-14 days to find you a VA. Sometimes it takes longer depending on the experience level you need.

One perk of working with Virtual Staff Finder is they already provide their virtual assistants with a comprehensive training program.

They train their VAs on communication, project management, and other key skills.


To outsource a VA from Virtual Staff Finder, you need to pay a one-time fee of $595. It’s up to you how much you’ll pay your VA per month.

3. TaskBullet

11 Best Companies to Hire Virtual Assistants in the Philippines (3)

TaskBullet uses a delegation system they developed themselves.

You choose a “Bucket Plan” with a set number of hours you want your virtual assistant to work. Then, they do the rest to match you with the right VA.

Platform Type: Agency with training included


This company already trains its VAs with over 100 hours of instruction.

This guarantees your dedicated virtual assistant will have the right combination of soft skills and technical know-how.

After selecting candidates from TaskBullet’s pool, you can schedule an interview with the VA. Then, it’s up to you whether to hire them.


TaskBullet offers different pricing plans for hiring a VA. You can choose from hourly, part-time, and full-time plans starting at just $6 per hour.

They also offer a 14-day money-back guarantee so you can try out their services risk-free. You won’t have to worry about monthly billings or long-term commitments.

4. OVA Virtual

11 Best Companies to Hire Virtual Assistants in the Philippines (4)

OVA Virtual is a team of experienced virtual assistants who can help you with administrative work, customer service, and marketing.

Platform Type: Placement agency


The hiring process with OVA Virtual is easy.

You choose from their resource of talented virtual assistants, and they will match you with the best fit based on your needs.

After signing up for their service, you can expect to have a virtual assistant working for you within 24-48 hours.


They have different pricing plans starting from $8/hour. The exact rate depends on your job description and the working hours you want from your VA.

A complementary onboarding program is already included.

But just in case the virtual assistant you hired doesn’t work out, OVA Virtual has a replacement option absolutely free of charge.

5. USource

11 Best Companies to Hire Virtual Assistants in the Philippines (5)

This company has supplied virtual assistants to hundreds of businesses in Australia, United States, Canada, United Kingdom, and New Zealand.

Platform Type: Agency with training included


The great thing about USource is they work across the digital spectrum. Their VAs can help with SEO, email marketing, automation, graphic design, and more.

Personally, what I like about this company is they provide 24/7 support. No matter where you are in the world, their team can answer your questions.

With USource, you can expect to have a VA assigned to you within a few days of signing up.

If you only need a virtual assistant for a given timeframe, you can choose to hire USource team members monthly.


Pricing plans for USource start at $9 per hour for a beginner VA. This makes it an affordable option for small businesses.

They also offer large-scale operations for bigger companies. These specialist VAs will cost around $21 to $35 per hour.

6. Virtual Done Well

11 Best Companies to Hire Virtual Assistants in the Philippines (6)

If you’re a small business owner, this company might be for you.

Virtual Done Well helps small businesses find specialist VAs who can manage emails, book appointments, and take phone calls.

Platform Type: Agency with training included


You start by filling out a brief questionnaire about your business and the tasks you need help with.

From there, they’ll match you with a virtual assistant who has the right skills and experience. Once you’ve selected a virtual assistant, you’ll have two options:

  1. Train them yourself.
  2. Have Virtual Done Well handle the training for you.

Option 2 is better if you don’t have the time to train a virtual assistant on your own.

Virtual Done Well also offers regular check-ins and performance reviews to make sure your virtual assistant is meeting your expectations.


Virtual Done Well charges a monthly fee based on the number of hours you need your assistant to work. The more hours you need, the lower the hourly rate.

7. Pepper VA

11 Best Companies to Hire Virtual Assistants in the Philippines (7)

Based in Manila, Pepper Virtual Assistants started out in 2009. They help businesses in industries like e-commerce, real estate, and finance.

Platform Type: Agency with training included


With Pepper VA’s help, it only takes a few days to match you with a virtual assistant.

Training is already included in their services. That means their VAs will already know how to use themost popular virtual assistant tools and software to boost their productivity.

Pepper VA also offers a wide range of services, including administrative support, social media management, and customer service.


Pepper VA’s pricing is competitive, starting at $6.50 per hour. And they offer flexible packages to fit your budget.

8. Helpware

11 Best Companies to Hire Virtual Assistants in the Philippines (8)

Helpware has 2 offices in the Philippines. They offer services like customer support, AI operations, content control, and back-office support.

Platform Type: Agency with training included


When you hire a virtual assistant from Helpware, they assign you a dedicated team for recruitment, training, and production. This custom team is 100% dedicated to you.

Your personal manager will find and select the right VA for your needs. This saves you time weeding through potential candidates on your own.

One thing to note about this company is they focus on specific industries. These include e-commerce, healthcare, SaaS, automation, and gaming.

You can still sign up for their service if you’re not in these industries. But it might take you more time to find a VA to match your business.


Helpware offers flexible pricing options that can fit any budget.

You can choose to pay hourly or opt for a monthly package depending on your needs and preferences.

9. Athena Executive Assistants

11 Best Companies to Hire Virtual Assistants in the Philippines (9)

Athena Executive Assistants focuses on creating one-to-one partnerships between you and your VA.

This means your VA can help you with personal tasks like ordering groceries and building an exercise routine. They can even send hand-written cards and gifts to your network.

Platform Type: Agency with training included


What makes Athena unique is their ready-to-use playbooks.

Each playbook shows you how to delegate tasks to your VA so you can save time and improve your workflow.

Expect to have a virtual assistant assigned to you within 48 hours of signing up.

Much like the many companies in this list, Athena already provides training for their VAs.


Starting at $12 per hour, you can find a VA that matches your unique preferences. Athena also offers a 7-day free trial to test the waters.

10. Support Ninja

11 Best Companies to Hire Virtual Assistants in the Philippines (10)

Support Ninja is based in the Philippines with one office in Metro Manila and one in Clark, Pampanga.

Platform Type: Agency with training included


It takes the company around 3-5 days to find the right virtual assistant for your business.

You can outsource their VAs for tasks like content moderation, data processing, and technical support.

Once you’ve selected a virtual assistant, Support Ninja will train them on the specific tools and systems your business uses.


Their pricing starts at $8.50 per hour. They also offer a free trial period so you can try out their services before committing to a long-term contract.

11. eVirtualAssistants (formerly GoHireNow)

11 Best Companies to Hire Virtual Assistants in the Philippines (11)

Founded in 2019, this company is relatively new to the virtual staffing industry. But they already have a pool of over 200,000 VAs.

Their main focus is on finding VAs for small and medium-sized enterprises.

Platform Type: Agency with training included


When you work with eVirtualAssistants, they handle all the paperwork and logistics. This way, you can focus on getting to know the candidates.

It will take around 10 business days for them to find you the right candidate.

Once you’ve hired a virtual assistant, they offer ongoing support and training to ensure your new virtual employee is set up for success.

If you’re not looking for a full-time VA, the company also has part-time and freelance options.


GoHireNow has rates as low as $325 per month ($3 per hour), so you can find a full-time virtual assistant without breaking the bank.

Why Should You Hire a Virtual Assistant from the Philippines?

11 Best Companies to Hire Virtual Assistants in the Philippines (12)

Lower costs

Filipino virtual assistants are generally more affordable than VAs from other countries.

In fact, you can easily hire a VA from the Philippines for as low as $4 an hour. At this rate, you may even be able to hire multiple virtual assistants.

Of course, you always also need to consider their skill level. Experts obviously cost more than beginners.

You can ask your virtual assistant company to match you with a VA that fits the skill level (and budget) you’re looking for.

Many of these platforms take a cut of part of your monthly payment. If you want to get the absolute best bang for your buck, use platforms like OnlineJobs.ph, where you deal with your VA directly and cut out the middleman.

Now, you might be wondering if it’s ethical to hire someone at these wages. Well, I’ll let my Filipina VA answer that for you:

“My income as a VA is already much higher than the average salary in the Philippines. Plus, I get to work comfortably at home. I don’t have to waste time commuting to an office, which is a huge struggle for a lot of employees here.”

Great work ethic

You can count on your Filipino VA to show up on time, meet deadlines, and follow through on their tasks.

These are some of the best qualities your VA should have. Plus, it doesn’t hurt that they have warm and friendly personalities.

My VA wants me to add:

“We’re also not the kind to suddenly quit or throw a bad attitude…unless of course you give us a reason to, like always making us work after hours —so keep this in mind!”

Pros at English

Most people in the Philippines speak English, from preschool to politicians.

Virtual assistants are no exception.

Filipino VAs have great written and verbal communication skills. And unlike their English-speaking neighbors in Asia, Filipinos have a neutral accent.

This means you won’t have to worry much about misunderstandings and language barriers.

If you use a platform like OnlineJobs.ph, you can even check each candidate’s English proficiency level inside their profile.

11 Best Companies to Hire Virtual Assistants in the Philippines (13)

High-quality skills

As I’ve mentioned, most virtual assistant companies in the Philippines already provide training for their VAs.

Common skills include social media marketing, data entry, admin work, and customer support.

But if you want to be extra sure your candidate is qualified, ask if they’ve taken any virtual assistant online courses.

If they have, it shows they’re willing to learn and expand their skills.

Some Tips for Working with a Filipino VA

Know their holidays

Your virtual assistant might want to take some time off during Philippine holidays. And there are A LOT of them each year.

In April alone, there are over five holidays to celebrate the “Holy Week.”

It’s important to discuss holiday schedules and paid time off with your VA. You won’t want them gone during a busy period in your business.

Consider your business hours

The Philippines is 12 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time. This means when it’s 9 AM in New York, it’s already 9 PM in Manila.

Keep this in mind when scheduling meetings or assigning tasks. I recommend using time-tracking software if you won’t be able to check up on them during their work hours.

You can also ask your Filipino VA if they’re okay with a work schedule in your time zone. If so, you can offer a higher pay since they’ll be working the night shift in Philippine time.

That said, don’t expect them to be quite as productive pulling graveyard shifts as they would be during the day. Would you be?

The 13th-month pay

The 13th-month pay is a unique part of the working culture in the Philippines. It’s like a year-end Christmas bonus equal to their regular monthly pay.

For example:

If you pay your Filipino virtual assistant $900 per month, you’d give them another $900 as their 13th-month pay in December. That’s $1,800 in total.

If they only work a portion of the year, this extra payment gets prorated.

Think of this as your way of showing your VA how much you appreciate their hard work and loyalty.

Set clear communication guidelines

Filipinos tend to be indirect in their communication style (mostly because they prioritize being respectful rather than sounding rude or unknowledgeable).

Sometimes, your virtual assistant won’t tell you they’re struggling with a task right away. Or they’ll hesitate to ask you questions if your instructions are unclear.

Your job is to encourage open and honest communication with your VA.

More importantly, learn to be patient when they need clarification.

Determine your flexibility needs

While virtual assistant platforms are super helpful and make your life easy, you generally have to play by their rules.

It’s up to the company how the VA is trained and what tools they use for screening candidates. They also charge certain fees on top of how much you’ll actually pay your VA.

If you want more control over payment, schedules, communication, and training, then I recommend OnlineJobs.ph.

Mitch Glass( Founder )

Mitch is your typical nomadic backpacker. Or at least, he was. But after stopping in Colombia to take “one week” of salsa lessons, his life took a sharp left turn. He met a cute Colombian girl in dance class, fell in love, and got married. Over half a decade has passed since he left his career to travel the world as a digital nomad, and he’s never looked back.

Nowadays, he’s the blogger behind Project Untethered — where he runs an awesome email newsletter and Youtube channel teaching adventure-craved wanderlusters how to escape the rat race, earn money from anywhere, and build an “untethered life”.

His advice has been featured in Forbes, USA Today, Yahoo, MSN, Reader’s Digest, Condé Nast Traveler, and more.

Mitch's Travel Recommendations:
Travel Planning Resources - Everything you need to plan your trip on one convenient page.
Going Cheap Flights Newsletter - Get flight deals from your airport up to 90% off sent straight to your inbox.
Safetywing Insurance - This cheap travel insurance has saved me over $15,000 in medical bills.
Booking.com - Book accommodation without adding your credit card (in case you need to cancel).
Trusted House Sitters - Take care of pets in exchange for free (sometimes luxury) accommodation.
Flexjobs - Find remote jobs without having to sift through crappy ones.
Skillshare - Free trial to take unlimited classes that teach digital nomad skills.
Wise - Send and receive money abroad cheaply (great for freelancers).

11 Best Companies to Hire Virtual Assistants in the Philippines (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.