Bristol Herald Courier from Bristol, Tennessee (2024)

THE B1U9TOL nERALTk COURIER SATURDAY, MARCH 2.1, 1907. News of Virginia and Tennessee and close conleist. Miss Iva fluckles waa the wlniier of the prize, and thiwe who deserve honorable mention for their good work in the contest are Pies Gaultney, Ada Buckles, tola Pile and Sue Pile, 1 The following won prizes' In their respective spelling Lola Pile, Ada Bucklea Nannie Hodge, Viva Hodge and Effle Hodge. -R. B.

GauUney has old his farm By Wire and Speca CHILDERSVIIXE j' OLD ML- Silver Poplar Springs tit wm: Hoggets of near mounmue, Mrs. S. H. Kins is spending this flpaclal to Th Ier14 Courier, week In Bristol, the guest of her broth- ujuiaersvuie, Marcn zi. Special to The Herald Silver Poplar Springs, March Hodge returned hom*o- He was unable to All Mr.

Shmnaker and wife, of Banner's! er. Stanton -King Mr. and Mrs. E. Stone entertained N.

C. were the sueata of Austin Frofflt last week. several of their friends at eupper on Thursday night In honor of Miss 3ae Hawk 's B. Taylor, ealesinntt for; 3, JL. Crumley, was here last week.

Misses Hannah and Sallio Thoman MilsseiGmntde and Bessie Rich ards and Dora Woods were callltur on and Blanche Woods were visiting in the valley Tuesday evening. Mr. W. Tt. Thomas has rented the house Vcf King Combs' and begaa housekeeping Monday.

Tuesday night from 6 to 10 several nt the West Point oeonle were de- Mr. Davidson, of Bristol, was In this country hunting beef cattle for Bristol market? 0IL 1 ewmis is. branded James Dempsey 3ias child very sick with aamethinfl like llphtheririighfttlly entertained a't the hon of Austiin Profflt and wife-were shop-. Mr. and Mrs.

S. H. King. ping in jonneon city laa week To protect oun customers we must expose the hU posit ion nt Piney Flaia on ac-1 count pf (11 health. I Mrs.

V. M. Whitehead Is very 111. MisRtu taaggte ltoutott and Mlnnjo rnt.m visited Miss Pearl Watte last i Sunday Willie HanilKon and ulsters, Misses Ethel and MyrtK were visiting Mrs. SuJle White and children Sunday.

Mrs. David Comerford, of Small-tag's Camps, IS spending a tew days frith her sick ftiicr, Wm. Smalllng, Who fa very low. Miss Belle Smalllng and Mrs. McKeary were visiting friends here Sunday evening.

1 Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Brown and Mr.

and Mrs. J. Nat HousUrn were visit-Ing friends here Sunday evening. Mis Pearl Whfte Is quite 111. i.

ES. A. Hjbl aKtetwlsd church at Muff City, Wednesday. MIvMae after being indisposed, Is able to be In scliool opnln. KA Hushes and children, of Flney Flau, Tinted irlenda and relatives here Saturday.

F. D. Maaeivirlll wa 111 lawt week. Mrs. Mary Eada -visited her alater, SINKING CREEK, portal to Th.

lUrstd Sinking Creek. March 21: Fanneril are doing aome work for their spring crops. "Odrs. Wily Hawkins spent Sunday nlglit at the home of C. N.

Pile. The missionary society met. at the home of Mr. Wm. Combs Mrs.

W. Stone, wao has been Indisposed for several weeks, la able to be out again, Miss Bessie Cunningham spent Sunday with homefolks. S. B. Garrett haa moved his Bawmlll to J.

M. Lowey'a and will begin work Is a few days, DISHNER'S VaElEY Bp-Il to Ths ttrH Court Dishder's Valley: March There will be a two weeks meet. Ing nt Sinking Creek by Rev. Repass, beginning at Jl clock 8aturda.y. dishonorable methods of unscrupulous dealers who offer inferior beer put up in dark-colored bottles the.

same size" and appearance; as Schlitz Export but without label. This imitation is sold as Schlitz Beer, under Mrs. HCol and llltltf daugh. ter Frances spent Sunday with Mrs. Alice Booher.

George Booher was visiting J. Booher yesterday. Mr and Mrs. J. A.

were Mrs. W. 8. Harmon, of Bluff City. guerts of Mr.

ond Mrs. I Smith Rev. J. B. Greever filled his regular Sunday.

E. 1. Houwton. ot Johnwon City, apiwintment a Zion't thdrch Bun daV. Mrs.

J. M. Booher and MUis.uzile was visiting relatives ul friends in Fltlpps were shouplrae In the Border Mr. and Mrs. E.

Dlshner and Oil hmlH. Sunday. City Dr. F. T.

MasMgUl made ft profes Several of th peojile ait ten Jed son, Paul, and J. H. Diahner, of Bristol, spent Sunday with their mother, sional call near Glover Springs Uut preaching af Ih'eler's lawt Sunday. the pretext that the label has been yashed off! To avoid being served with a cheap, inferior beer, please examine the cork or crown and see that it is IP Mrs. Mary Dlshner.

Mrs. James Bouton was visiting at The sermon delivered by Rev. K. Y. Umberger.

Allesea Mary and Susre Booher were shopping in Bristol Wednesday. tho honm of Mr. EHi.bvti Mutter a last we Mr. and Mm. James Massey.are "SLUa FOUR vlbltlng relatives at this place.

Dr. V. Sprole. of Bluff City, Tundo a professional call hea Tuea- "3ANTK Ksrl Dlxlrher spent Suturdny night In Bristol. i-Aik 'for -Brewerj Common beer is sometimes substituted for Schlite.

Dan'te. Mwch 2lj-KJoorge L. John R. Saul, Edward Blrdwe II Meadamet Main Jones and BuMe lone, of Poplar Kldgu, were visiting branded likb those here shown. and Misses MlnnU and Ella Fsgtn, Carter, of Johnson City, preiSdent of the Kuuio-A Vterft railway, was In rt.ianves fttndny.

To avota being imposed upon, see that the cork or crown ts branded of Bristol, wera the gucsta of DUhr-er and sisters Sunday. Mm. James Miller visited Mrs. E. Dnnto Tuesday.

A. Hobba. Tuesday evening. Dunner Houih. of Lebanon, was THb Dentin, who ha been at work here yeerduy.

Ml Lou Barb apint Sunday night with her aunt, Mrs. Martha Kou brier. MIm Murv Shankel suent Saturday at J.ihtmm City, Is at home. EL Crty Oiaa work here, ana Mb llaun. of Bluff City, was came this place yetrday.

ntafht with her cousin, JesUe Matone Be sure get what the attractive guert of Mlsev Myrtle Mr. Left wick got his fot very Mrst Martha Cressell. of Cantrell. ltd tkjtsnle on Tuesday, badly maahod a few days ago. you and Is be guest of her alater.

Taw LudiMt Aid Society met with Cii. OnlKirne and 8. W. tJsborne, of Mew, wera visitors this place yertwday. order Thl is very busy town.

It Mrs. E. A. Friday eveulng, MOUNT OAKLAND Mount Oakland, March 21 Mr. Mary plshner.

Mrs. It. L. Burnett visited Mrs. Carrie -Mousey Tuesday afternoon.

Mrs. J. U. Dunn spent Sunday with her brother, James Rumley. Mestm George and Earl Dlshner attended tha literary aoclety at Threa Sprlogt Tuesday In the ildt of a very wteWn fleld of anthraolt coal asd a very, great are paving tork divdpon)ent is bving carried Pr, 11 A.

Psrroit, of Blouotvlile, was on. Tntt uck creea ana iae itn visiting at A. Hails' Wednesday road furnishes connection with the Nerfolk and Western and the Virgin Mint li-le Akard was ahoppln in Biojntvllle one diy last wek. and Southwestern tine Is being push a for. Thoncf T.

I. Kain INDIAN SPRINGS. E- C. Barnes, of Cantrelt. was here ed a rapidly as Monday.

O. Gray, of iwsiewood, baa r. Mr. and Mrs. C.

F. Smith and chil ftllly been appointed cashier Of ths Special to The Herald Courier. dren tnt Sunday at Ik home ituattl and 1m krtuum lank lhis to Indian Sprtnss. March 411 State Street, Bristol A. Hall.

cucctn-d J. B. Duff. The growing wheat crop Is looking Johnnon. cf HrliM.

stietit aulte wril and has not been damagi'd sad Ruaday with ki by cold weatUer yet. barrbts. It la reported that th fruit crop la A tt. Barnen was in one unhurt dsv last wetk. Jaka Shipley, th blacksmith at tbU CEDAR fflkl to IUfU Cotr.

Cedar Hill, Msrch 11. The farmers of this place ara bny prenarloK their oat and corn around. Th heai of this section Is look Mrs J. W. Long txi4 by th! place.

Is erecting anew stare bolld Ing and will open a full line of gtwds waukee ranmu In tb ftiiuro. Mlua Pearl Knthrford visited Jos. ing floe LYCEUM S-tl Tt llarsta OtwW, n1 fsmlly thas we'k. M. Booher wss vlsiElng friends.

Irn Mill Point Friday. JJ; bw bu, erday iness ye at (ji Msrrh 21. Mrs. Frank, of lkiitol. wss vis spending ta week Jajues Il'ilt 1 with honfulWa.

We are not superstl ill iv-rt iting bomefulks. Mrs. J. M. Booher and Ml Little Phlppa vera shopping In th Uor- dr City Monday.

Th young folks of this plan gath I tioui but we do believe WOOD BROTHERS PLIMBE1CS. -Hot water, steam and gaa fitting; also repairing. Fifth trt, opposha fir ball. Nw phon. Jubb Hamilton IsrrltKaily III.

A. J. Droke and son, In. hae tvn for ths psst ftw dy are able lo out asain. J.

oh J. Harr, of, Rurai lttrft. mm time with t.i iilar. BOTTLES ra ff 5 'Whiskey If MM, J. R.

FUwnor and R. 3. Cot mil a business trip to Bristol last wek, Mr. IJtiin Lane wsa vtslUng 0r(r INrier and fajully Sunday, WUI Harger, of irglnla. waa ber In idgns.

ered at th home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Booher and had a pleasant last week on buslnnM.

ill fl til Mrs. J. A. and dsuch- tr. Ihtle, wer voting at IMuont- tllle on Monday and Tuoday.

Chu Ford wa vtwilln friends 95 6 Full Quarts For 00 Carolina Whiskey 0C tint. 1 Smith and sister Annl ver friend at Ruthtoa Hunday, Th young folk of this had a smiling mntrh at Waving Xprlug School h'Min Tuesday nlsht Mr. and Mr. J. A.

Hooher and rhtldrvn treat tSs diy witfc Mr. and Mr. L. A. Krulib fueday.

Uttl Mt Jimmle Maude ffrnhb il'M Nettle 5t i nt Pundjv right al tae home of Trustee Nf- Nh who Wa msk. Utg hit la tilrmtnkhstu. kiu time jt, and who Is now I lh home of hi father, FrsBk -mpbeil, tr ium fiirlrs, tnt isiif wui rliiv B-rAhis pi-. J. lUrr and it.

and J. W. and tf Hwb; Hundar at the and v-lUvei In tbw Birder City Ut Sunday. man Bornett 0 Kearlott ARCHITECTS Offlt-a Srd Floor Pil Bulldiag. CafatUa irW, -mUmSn, It It I m4 '4 la -a far Uv.

jmUiM aaat Wr imum aawl anW nat-i t. a. Li.a Ml Martha Inme waa visiting hIm I4i La Ut wm-k, Monroe IWmd I sirk wlla grip. A P. Irvltve Is putijng (h -Ma-aiiM.

iMIaiMMl al CAHUNa WltuaiV I iiul lial aa.y-4.iM UbrMtniicmliat. aaaias a La avfal Mj ana wmrnkf kaa. aj Um waixt. Wai of lime on his youog orchard to wer railing on MIm Gay and LU Phfpps bwan i'ainis cm grow tra and prvwa th work ot I at net, 3 mi.tnm of J. llsrr, Mrs.

widow of At mnt turl.1 la ImoiBsl crme-i'r Uat Hilurda. Whe lh of Mis Juha K. Drt)k, tf Th btlds I much ad4. and one hMt (he pnl wiml acnmolale avir tvle tb If It wrr at 16 Glxth Street. lUWlioif 3 SAMP1 HOTTlJJt IHr.E.

Cat a M. alvkvHtMX -4 Ma a-w h( nM a lBitaM .1 watw k. IS h--l4- la mm mi. htil a- lnav a It to (M VIM. w.

MUDDY CREEK mrm. iitJtu'ii' man Find, ta iu.l. r' Mill, as ihU I a dtrrct rn In frr flat I Hi tut Ts Hwat Cmtu. Ibis Fcik country. TORES SPRINGS.

mOAL NoTtrri W. 4lt It st arW a4 -aw tM Muddy frk. Taa Msrrk 21 i U.S. lattiuai la tMly re tlamlnn. TettB Marrk RV, Kiag III pfvAvb I'liaMat Uuivi-i nir a MiiniUy at m.

Mlwiw A Viral MH IrUad ami kUkool Tudy at FeJn lw. iai ma ii'in la (rip ilgf4 io rviina an lh auni al mrW Mrs. lirw llril data ut Im pr. kitaaa4a ul prmg r-aa fliws Nt-Waja aiicod atnsing at tiak uatk iia a4 HundsT sf im as ta tWtatui Ts HAT, T. DULAHir M.

D. SPECIALIST Cy. Throat aad fUis btaeaawa GU) rtited. RiUi trV BHitol, T8ft I I 1 1I CAPEI Roantk. Vaw tllat AkM aay.

Pr. Ilami hrry tausbt this m. and as rtiaa4 f'f year. Jam h'M. of Lawsoa, paae-ed Lhrmmh bare Uuu.tty.

Mr and Mr. J. M. IVsrd spoal Tttdsy 1a liristul. Mr.

P. H. HajutUuM ll (tionW wmtsm Iane and MiC rre rent, Tbe fturtaa. V. Msrth It The 1 i tm.

n-t-tiif x- d.rMma Tbat the l'n'i4 h'- frtwMij tteiata tj ItilUppta amrwstl Sir It aa JaacMtf. Ura sad Fmh, of IWmhsja. ir.l toiiUT S4 UvJF carats ft Mr, u4 Mr ti Ft. tt ls.i boa, ir i vt vi. I W.

J. tt .4 Un, If all. oitey Vtttua aa.i lime w.j W.lden, Witter 4 kV'lil. of Wg TiVlry tnt Ual Run lay llh. Mt UxMt twdll M.n firdw Ror.

of ltitu.l, i Itilt st ti plf Thrw ill xt at rbsjxl ail Huuiay rattg by Ret Mr. A V. Miller and Mrm. J. K.

Whk VWtilng Mr Hums Mil-W. at I'irataM droit, luntar, Oar Hinlth and Fi ki. of TMiMt' Itridge, went to Bristol la'. w4h ob tHj.iiiMa Uim Fiitue and latl alere, Hrtai evi vwi'Sbg Mr taw m-U Mr. V.h Mr WmuM'i tMraaJI.

v.iy. are vttttng riaiive a ta -V tfci twt Clsrk tTMwt jd tknxuh Wt tat kL nii imu I Ftfk 1 ha. f.h I t. TtS Irata lis and 1 net. Pm are Urgi, are sajall, Tk funr a.a.e, aed rail.

1 Frai lif mrm a 4 I tiM. t-a), i to, r.i.o..t. vntn. tB4 nmm, tilt' ar fr CAU. IVR Moore Slrecl Fhh Market LOTH TMdM.t Ut FAH4J.T.

Fm j. at. ttk'. Jr. a trta In Ike tviMHr I'll WImNi t'thnnl t4 Mtht lUlt CHALMERS tn-mn.

Of rouwr, Vi, JI r4y aiht mv.h it ani Mf4 -t tVtM. i nieg rf Wf iu list i-u'. tttlla, tlar ftHl af Mta and llTtle ta.iu II. Ilka 1 Iki. iftrh I Mt Marsarrt i Ulia 1, -ri i rril st ffJ.IO h.f taJ lanr-w Mr.

t) I "tt tltarmi aal AWS au uy ftriii Mi i -) 5t I tt nti Mf ti Mr, th mn UaiiSl a) Hil ,4 arl. ttidjtr is a Elidiir Trotifn a. 11 -tria ffumiAf. 1C MUU weal IW Vt a Urn, att. a ..1 PI an I wi laania rf Vtalled Mr an I Mr.

tt aiBi-iur mfSt 1 Mr ijJ Mr. t'tfi mi aaita fnt tat a a a a Ji. I ll.t.l.J Mt. a M-aty a-t tir Mr IL ta ttH-ltr UaH.Uf Mi Miii I lUmM-r are ti h4 ar kt Mia, twarf a- aK I'm pri. 11 tobatt.

tfrl I'tUn i.i(til tk bl 11 iD It. Mr I' lllw trt falrtJ' hf al. Mi a. lliiit.i, of ttlug Cty, -v-u u-m 1 ir Hi UtM avr ot, t. i A H'UL M.a aasMiaf ika d.itt df aHeih.T, Mr, aat Mr i URWIRY DIICHUCtJ ttixm 24 Hours laif.f.

fl taf 7 1 I MU lu.f ta tpi.M tltJI Vl I I rM i lUatstHf. th h-xbii- tr. ha. tn rrf li lc.nins. R.

Ur' t.t 1 kt ks. iua rc ti 4imt Irvtaf KiF I lua Uy M- ll' iilry la rtilwd Mia 1 1 1 vttt4 frtoada at' lMf Ctiy tiil Vr. VttBed frl4S brie laal wtmk. Ui fUia tt6i ti-i'4 1tr eiiiwia, Mi. fii-s XlUihk, A 1lv4u" Mr! IHalul t) A It It wi'tii Wfta tH't'ng few lmn "i Ma rf iif ft st tf Mr (Siui Mta, IK O.

I' urftj -t st Tfcf nr. rr.i at tifis lw a 1 i- 1 hi, it ii, t't -i B.ri r-'jsty, ii kl i'n, 4 U-iif l'ri. i a i i tk hum A W. 1 a 1 Sit, vi, a iiit tiii4r ik iii I'-fcis lrit 4 rLiv at twV' ll tte v'-r tf if ftiiif I at. Ike b.Hsl t4 Mr.

Kif llf lit Un lh I III lllti I SWlartl ftt.m War i Itirm T-! till lft rt.M ,4 ta uj a kll MILL POINT. i ti amira "uS. Si. Mrs Wl. Uii St lb t- bl I in a I i 44rta" CHILUOWIE.

St. IWJti l'r It Jo. il ftat-iH fi. ail Mt M-tte rM.ia4!,Jn Xtr ad Mr It sprat tvr. iVra imtimt Ml t.

M'1nb4 ft 4 1 (- Mi J. t.i:r. fc.r Gr, lit ana tflrwfi. Mr. J.

Vm Mki J'anl lii iUmi Wira ll II Mi, nti. ut 1 llilrir. Mirt V' frr aii i. I Vir. I e-t finif, ltn It, i at II 1 feskattt ti 4 il Tn.

Ma ft pi SH.W fl(rtU t4 iH-if )na a in Mr Ik erM tt at a sua 'a tt Aj (. Tina. I irian. i Hi) 'ti -i't! hi irr I In- 4 -t ir v- i-'4 t.t I --llrt in n. atrt WALLACE.

tt 4 tt It t't-p I jf tt. I 1 west toiht. Vts II 1 1 I 1 1 i tint i' a i i r.frt ii i i t'c I I I- I tr i iik i a l- a 1- af ''f r'. tlfc .1 111 I ttn' 1 J. tjr i it I la.1 tv lrfta' Mink si ii! tuik .1,.

I la I 1 taa ftlrri.t rirl I Mr. 1 I I aat i UtlCkt a Himt its lk jrtir a its t-. 1 i lt-. t. ,4 lm IV I Mt fUi- id a st atS'i M'" M- lt If 4 i i Vi I te ltny i famuaJ M-itr Sn.f Vt.a fit.

eiH ft a. i I t-i I -if- tar 4 K. ttt t--ei .1 at. a i i1 i I I i lb It t- tH In i e' ri M1 itt a I st.ltpiUt i I ali -M- tk 4 I' I till 1 "of I. va -I i i -I I ,1 I rf I ihv ittn It a la r-.

i i.i i-B a i st a.i s' t- 1 it, I 1 it. 1 1- i I I t. I a -an 1- l-r-r-s i 1 Ui -i -i 'i i 4 1 1.

Bristol Herald Courier from Bristol, Tennessee (2024)


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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.